56 Station Street Parramatta – Commercial Building Refurbishment
Location | 56 Station Street, Parramatta |
Client | Youth Off the Streets Ltd |
Type of Contract | Design & Construction |
Project Details
The property, known as 56 Station Street at Harris Park Parramatta, is a 12 storey commercial office building constructed in 1978 with retail and car parking on the lower levels and commercial offices and plant rooms above. The works involve a modern upgrade to this building that will provide an architectural uplift that will service the building up to 2020 and beyond.
The upgrade focuses on the building services and external facade overhaul. The buildings services are being upgraded to achieve greater compliance with the life & safety provisions within the BCA and improve energy consumption and operational efficiency consistent with 4.5 star NABERS rating.
Energy consumption is being enhanced by installing gas powered air con services, energy efficient lighting, high performance glazing and double glazing. The building finishes require high quality durable materials and an expert level of workmanship.
The works are being undertaken in an operating building, and working with existing tenants. There is a major emphasis on noise reduction and dust control which leads to a lot of the works being undertaken outside of normal working hours (nights and weekends) to minimise disruption to existing tenants
The works are both complex and are being undertaken under strict programme constraints to ensue the building is fully functional to meet current and future tenant requirements.